Zo Gross
Writer    Educator    Editor

Our Own Gods
May 14, 2022
Who are you? Our Own Gods is a collection of short stories focusing on self-creation and acts of identity. Characters grapple with death, queerness, shame, and their own bodies. Some find their solace in lasagna, others NyQuil. There is pain in self examination, but, even more so, there is joy and humor.
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About Zo Gross
Zo Gross started telling themselves stories at a young age. First through enactments with clay figures that stuck to their hands, then by scribbling lucid drawings of Fat mermaids, and, finally, evolving towards the written word. They are interested in the impossible task that is knowing ones self and follow characters grappling with such knowledge. Above all else, they hope their dry humor shines through each story making them palatable. They are based in Baltimore.